Metal Roofs (with Pat Shea) [Podcast]

Metal Roofs (with Pat Shea) [Podcast]

On this podcast, John Maher talks with Brett Rogenski and Pat Shea about metal roofs. Metal roofs have long been popular on commercial buildings, but are quickly gaining popularity on residential homes as well. They discuss things like the longevity of metal roofs, the cost, the colors available, and how easy they are to maintain.

Residential roofing

John Maher: Hi, I am John Maher and I'm here today with Brett Rogenski, general manager of Master Roofers, the most trusted roofing company in New Hampshire for over 80 years. Welcome, Brett.

Brett Rogenski: Hey. Thanks a lot, John. I appreciate you having us.

John: Yeah, sure. And our special guest today is Master Roofers' own Pat Shea, who has nearly 40 years of roofing experience and is a master coppersmith. Welcome, Pat.

Pat Shea: Well John, thank you. Thank you for having me on.

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How do Metal Roofs Compare to Traditional Shingle Roofs?

John: Yeah, absolutely. So, today we're talking about metal roofs. And Pat, from your perspective, for homeowners considering a metal roof, how do metal roofs compare to traditional shingle roofs in general?

Pat: Well, a shingle roof would be more cost-effective in the short term, but as far as durability, longevity, energy, efficiency, and even resilience, it makes the investment itself in a metal roof a better choice.

Are Customers Asking About Metal Roofs?

Metal Residential Roofing

John: Brett, do you get a lot of customers asking about metal roofs? I know that just driving around the area here in New England, you don't see a lot of them, but I think you're seeing them more and more often now and they seem kind of intriguing to me. Do you get a lot of inquiries about, "Hey, what about a metal roof? What's the deal with those?"

Brett: Sure. We actually do get a lot of inquiries about metal roofing, particularly standing seam metal, which is what most people would think of in a metal roof. We also, here at Master Roofers, because we have team members with skills like that, we also deal in copper and other mediums as well, but standing seam is the most prevalent one and a lot of it, there's a certain look for standing seam, so now you're tending to see some homes that have a shingled main roof and then the porch is kind of a farmer's porch with standing seam on it.

That's kind of a recent style trend. I happened to have grown up in central Vermont where there's a much heavier snow load near the ski resorts and stuff, and metal roofing is a premium product there, because it can shed snow and is much more durable in those regards. That's a product that I've been seeing my whole life. So yeah, we do get a lot of inquiries. Pat, what do you think? Are you seeing more and more metal inquiries these days?

Pat: Actually, yes. It was generally looked at in the beginning when I first came around as a very commercial-looking style type of a roof and wasn't really homeowner-friendly. But over the years it's been out, they've come out with colors and things like that, and impression ribs and things that have given a little more detail so that it isn't such a commercial look, and more of a residential neighborhood type of a roof.

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Different Types of Metal Roofs Available

John: Talk a little bit, Pat, about some of the different types of metal roofs that are available. Brett mentioned standing seam metal roofs.

Pat: Definitely standing seam. That's really the higher end of what you think of as a metal roof. It's a double-locked system. It has hidden fasteners and can be cut to any length panel desired, so it's not necessarily 10-foot pieces and a bunch of seams. We have the machines come right to the job and they'll fabricate a 10-footer or 50-foot panel if needed.

John: So, are those fabricated from just a flat sheet of metal?

Pat: It is. It's actually a roll on a truck. The rolls are, they're 500-foot rolls so you could essentially roll out a 500-foot panel if you wanted to. But they come to the job, because I'll go around the job and one side of the house will be 19-foot-six, and I'll need 30 of those and they'll chop those right to exact lengths for me.

What are the Widths of Metal Roof Panels?

John: What's the width of those panels that are then joined together?

Pat: They do vary, the smallest being about 16-inches, which you would not need what I mentioned before, an impression seam, because there's an oil canning effect as the panels get wider. And you can go anywhere from a 16-inch would be the smaller and then they're usually in increments of four inches, so 16, 20, but the wider ones you need an impression unit to keep that oil canning effect away.

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The Oil Canning Effect

John: What's the oil canning effect?

Pat: Well, with the expansion and contraction, the panel is going to almost look like it twists or warps, and the impression rims will keep it from doing that. If you'll think of an oil can if you pushed on the bottom of an oil can and it makes that glug, glug, glug kind of sound

John: Yeah, the popping sound, right?

Pat: That kind of a popping sound, exactly. That's exactly what the panel... That's what we get all the time.

John: Okay.

Brett: Because remember, it's a metal product, so think of any other sheet of metal that you could put out in the sun and in the warmth or outside in the cold it's going to expand and contract. So to Pat's point with that, the wider they are, they have to put those impression seams in. The analogy that someone gave me once upon time that always stuck with me is how body panels on cars have beading in them, they have little contours in them to give them rigidity. That's kind of what is going on there in the roof as well.

Pat: And it really stands out when it doesn't happen because it really reflects the light. So if you're looking at it from the ground with that oil canning effect, you'd be able to see it almost rocking back and forth as it goes up the roof. So the impression seems try and keep that out of it.

Other Types of Metal Roofs


John: So, what are some of the other of metal roofs besides the standing seam roof?

Pat: You're talking corrugated panels, which are just that. They're sheets, but those also have a face fastener, a screw with a rubber grommet on it. So when it's all said and done, you see all the fasteners. It's a little quicker to install because it is in fact in sheets, and then they are only in certain lengths so you are almost limited to where you can use those corrugated panels.

John: Are corrugated panels those ones that kind of look like a little wave?

Pat: Yeah, exactly. Typically over a screen porch or something like that. When I was growing up we had a screened in deck with a light colored one. So it almost just gave you the shade, and it was made out of fiberglass.

John: That definitely has a little bit more of an industrial look, in my opinion.

Pat: It does, it does. Plus like I said, the face fasteners, it's not very attractive, more for something like the back of the barn, as far I consider it anyways.

John: What are the types of metal roofs are there?

Pat: Well, there's metal shingles. They are a lot more home-owner friendly. They are a little more attractive. They have a ceramic stone adhered to the top of them. Then you have even a steel, just a regular steel panel; same as the standing seam, but only in a steel. The aluminum is what we like to work with because it's lighter to work with. It's a lot easier to fabricate on the job. And with the steel actually, any cuts or penetrations or anything like that, you're actually cutting through the color, so you're exposing the raw edge of the steel which will rust, and get rust lines down your roof. So we like to stick with the aluminum panels anyways.

Copper Metal Roofing

John: Yeah. Talk a little bit about the different types of materials a little bit more. So you mentioned steel, but you might have some issues with rusting on the edges where you cut; you have the aluminum ones. What other types of materials are available?

Pat: Well, there's copper, there's copper panel, and we all love the copper. It's very durable, very pliable, easy to form, easy to fabricate on the job. It is a little more lengthy installation because with all the copper work typically you do a lot of soldering and that's a little time-consuming to do that.

John: Is it not required to do soldering with the other types of materials and why does copper require soldering?

Pat: Well, the expansion and contraction itself, aluminum, you can't really solder aluminum. You will use some kind of a sealant that in the expansion and contraction phase will just break apart and open up. The soldering with the copper allows the expansion and contraction without those seams cracking open.

Brett: So, think of here you have copper pipes in your home, they're joined, they're soldered together and you're basically taking two separate pieces of metal and making them one and that sort of thing. So is it fair to say that copper... If money didn't matter, would copper be the pinnacle of metal roofing for everyone?

Pat: I believe it would be the way to go. What steers a lot of people away is the cost.

Brett: Yeah, that's why there's a lot of accents that are done in copper roofing.

Pat: There are, there are. Like your bay windows over doorways and things like that, just as an accent to the house, where you can do a smaller area that doesn't have penetrations, that just has a foot-long or a two-foot-long standing seam, it browns over. The drawback to the copper I think is the color change. It doesn't stay bright copper for long. Within a year it's going to turn to a nice bronze color. It'll get rid of all the fingerprints and the oils and stuff like that, and bronze over really nicely, and then stays bronze for about 15 or 18 years or so before it starts to turn to its green color, which is a patina, which would be its final phase in its lifetime.

John: Which is like the Statue of Liberty, that kind of green color.

Pat: Exactly. At one time she was bright copper.

John: Right.

Pat: Yeah. So we also use copper occasionally, and a lot of times it's for aesthetic reasons, in valleys, so where roof lines come together you typically use a lot of copper with your slate when you put a slate roof on. It's because of the longevity of a slate roof, you want a comparable metal for the same longevity. You don't want to be going in every 10 or 15 years and you just have replaced all the wall flashings or all the pipe covers or things like that. You want a metal that's comparable that's going to last almost the same lifetime.

John: You don't want to have to pull up those slate tiles in order to put new flashing in.

Pat: In order to change the flashings on our roofing, right. And nowadays you see people, just because it's more of an accent, people will be using the copper valleys with their shingle roofs as an open valley to keep the debris, the leaves, the sticks, pine needles and cones and things like that, wash right out. Nothing gets built up in there and it can't sit and hold water and cause damage.

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Zinc Metal Roofing

John: And I understand that zinc might be another option for a metal roof. Do you ever work with zinc at all?

Pat: Well, again, back to the copper, they have a zinc-coated copper. Zinc itself as a panel, I can't remember being used in ages. It's like the olden days' aluminum. It's not generally used by itself now, but it is used as a coating to the copper so it grays over really nice. It doesn't go through the color change and it does add a little more life to the copper itself because it's going to take several years for that zinc to wash off or to wear off before you're down to the copper surface and start working on weathering that.

John: So, it'll keep that copper color for longer.

Pat: Well, it's more of a gray. It's kind of shiny, actually, when it's first installed, but it turns to a really nice, little lighter than say a battleship gray, and it stays just like that and that doesn't stain, and again just extends the life of the copper itself.

Brett: So, you could have a really long life with copper coated zinc, is what you're saying.

Pat: You could. It actually used to be lead coated but then over the years with the EPA and the water table and stuff like that, they changed it over to a zinc. It's actually called a freedom gray product.

Are Metal Roofs Good in Colder Climates?

John: In terms of the climate that we're in here in New England and the weather that we get with snow in the winter and things like that, are there specific types of roofing materials that are better suited for the climate and the weather conditions that we have here in New England?

Pat: Not so much really except for the snow factor, like Brett had mentioned in the beginning, people like it up here, up north, because it sheds the snow, it lets the snow slide right off. And so it doesn't sit up there, the weight doesn't sit up there. We do also, with the standing seam metal roofs, they have snow retention systems, so over your doors and over your garage doors and any entrance ways where you can put this, it's an S5 ColorGard rail system that we use because you're able to put the same color of the roof color in the rail itself and it will hold the snow up there so that the snow can melt off gradually instead of just...because what happens is someone comes out the front door and they shut the door behind them and just that vibration of the door slamming will send a ton of snow down off the roof.

So these retention systems over key areas, you don't necessarily need them everywhere but in the key areas where safety is an issue. But up there I think that's more prevalent. You know why? People would want metal up this way more aesthetically. It's used all over the country. It is energy efficient, keeps the heat out, keeps the cool in, keeps the heat in the winter. The shingles, they sell the same shingles in New England that they sell in California. They do out in the warmer states, Nevada, they do have bigger thicker asphalt shingles just because the temperatures are hot out that way in Nevada and so the typical asphalt shingles we have around here are just going to...their life is a lot shorter. So they use a bigger thicker type of mid-asphalt shingle a little that way.

Brett: When I think of when we were talking about snow and metal roofing, what Pat was explaining earlier how they cut it to length on site, that's a tremendous advantage when you're dealing with snow or rain, any sort of moisture is there is no seam. So, from the ridge, the top of your roof, all the way down to the eave, the edge of your roof where it comes off, there's no seam. That is, one can give you a sheet of metal from top to bottom, at whatever width that is, and then, as Pat said, they're joined together in a double interlocking system.

John: Unlike a shingle roof, where every few inches it's a different shingle and it has to go over one shingle, onto the next shingle, onto the next shingle, etc.

Brett: Yep.

John: There's just one piece.

Brett: And there's no place for that snow or ice to back up into on the metal roof when properly installed.

Pat: And back to the corrugated roof with the exposed fasteners, the snow is going to freeze on that, it's going to stick to that and then just stay up there and the ice migrates inside, it will work its way through so it's much better if you just have it completely off to the ground anyways.

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What Colors do Metal Roofs Come in?

Colorful Metal Roof Parts

John: Brett, are metal roofs, and especially these standing seam roofs that we're talking about, do they come in lots of different kinds of colors, or do they just come in certain colors? What are people liking these days? What's the trend?

Brett: I'll be honest with you, the manufacturers all pretty much have a standard book of colors, but gosh, Pat, how many colors do you think there are?

Pat: Each manufacturer has to have 20.

Brett: I was just going to say two dozen, roughly.

Pat: At one point. Yeah, but each manufacturer's version of brown is just a shade different there.

Brett: It seems like the ones that we... Green seems to be popular.

Pat: Green's a big color, a forest green. The grays are a big color.

Brett: Brown?

Pat: Brown, not so much. The black because the darker colors, they absorb the heat, and the lighter colors reflect the heat. So they've come up with over the years...

John: So, you probably kind of want to go somewhere in the middle, usually.

Pat: Somewhere in the middle.

John: Not too bright, not too dark.

Pat: It's going to be up there for a long time. A lot of people want a color that they can change the appearance of their house, maybe paint the body of the house and the trim of the house a different color but still match what you have on your roof. It's easier in the lifetime of the shingle, when you paint your house you might end up changing the roof at the same time because, how often do you paint your house, every 30 years or so, which is roughly the lifespan of an asphalt shingle, but the metal roofs are up there 50, 60 years before you're even considering having an issue with them. When installed correctly, anyways.

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What Maintenance is Required for Metal Roofing?

Worker placing metal roof parts

John: Right, so I wanted to ask about that. I think that metal roofs are known for their durability and, like you said, maybe it would cost a little bit more initially to have a metal roof installed, but then the lifetime of that metal roof is a lot higher than a shingle roof. Are there any specific maintenance requirements that differ between metal roofs and shingle roofs and with the different types of metal roofs as well?

Pat: No, not really. The metal roofs are pretty maintenance-free. They even actually now have a fungus fighter in them so that there isn't, on a shady side of the house that never sees the sun... I know the back of my garage gets mossy every year, on the shady side of the house, that doesn't happen, but on a shingle roof it does. They have a fungus fighter in a shingle, but because the asphalt shingle is a porous surface, it's still going to hold bits of moisture that will grow. Whereas the metal is just a nice slick surface and not too much sticks to it at all. And you might go through two shingle roofs in a lifetime of one metal roof.

Brett: That's what I was going to say. Honestly, you will probably go through two quality shingle roofs in the lifespan of one metal roof. If you were to build a brand new house with a high quality shingle roof on it, what are you talking, a 30-year lifespan? Done well. That metal roof, if you're not seeing 50 or 60 years out of it, someone probably did something wrong.

Pat: Yeah. Again, not so much maybe with the body of the roof but now where your dormers are or your valley areas or your sidewall areas and stuff like that, that's where a shoddy installation will show up. Not so much in the body of the roof itself.

Brett: So, they are a bit of a larger investment compared to a shingle roof, but you will get twice the lifespan out of them as you would a quality shingle roof. As well as, Pat, especially in certain environments, don't disregard the lack of maintenance, the snow load and the pine needles and the leaves and stuff just shedding, I guess I won't ever go so far as to say it should be a no maintenance roof, but it should be a tremendously well-maintainanced roof and, for a lot of people, a no maintenance roof for its lifespan, as compared to shingles.

I think about my last home, and I was surrounded by pine trees, and it was a salt box, so I had one side that did not have a steep slope at all. And Brett was up there at least twice a year clearing pine needles and, like you say, I had moss growing on it and stuff like that. And I happened to move before then, but I remember thinking, "If I'm still here when it's time for this roof to go, we're going metal because I'm tired of getting on the roof every spring and every fall."

Pat: Not everybody is capable of doing that. This is really a skilled trade. Anybody can take a swing at building a deck. It's on the ground, there's not too much danger involved, and if you didn't get it right you just add another two by four or something. But this is more of a skilled trade that professionals only should be up on the roofs doing those type of things. And any things that trap moisture is just speeding up the deterioration process. Moisture kills. So if you have a roof system on it, you could just shed all of that, and it's dry 15 minutes after a rainstorm, then you're golden.

Installation of Metal Roofs

working fixing metal roofing

John: So, you mentioned, Pat, getting a qualified person to install that roof, a qualified company. Talk a little bit about installation of metal roofs and what the process is and what you should be looking for in a contractor for a metal roof.

Pat: Well, let's see, we have a truck come right to the job and everything is custom-made for your home. It isn't boxed or just bought, so it's custom right off the bat. And the installation process, it's not very tough but it has a little bit of skill to it.

Brett: And it's about following a proper system. Each manufacturer has, essentially, an assembly system. How do you do THIS?. Because as Pat said, there's hidden fasteners and stuff. So it's making sure that you're using the right assembly system on that roof to ensure that you're getting all the benefits of that roof. If we're talking about standing seam and those lack of seams, and honestly it's usually a guy like Pat with 40 years of experience who can go properly measure this, very accurately measure it, and then follow that assembly system, implement that assembly system to a T, to make sure that you're getting all the benefit of that work.

You could hire Billy the builder who, he did one of these once in 1996, and he can get your roof up, and it'll be fine, and you might not notice a difference for five years, maybe even 10 if you're lucky. But if he didn't follow that assembly system, again you're talking about putting something on your roof that should last you, frankly, your whole life. So you want a contractor who can exhibit to you that they have plenty of experience installing metal roofing, so they should be able to show you a book of business and explain to you how that system works and then they should be able to provide someone, again, like Pat, who has years of experience, who's going to manage that job and supervise and work on that job, who's going to ensure that that whole assembly system is done correctly. Not just getting it up there, but getting the benefits of the fact that you're working with a premium product.

Pat: And like I was saying, back to your dormers and your valleys, that's where if you did get a subpar roof put on, that's where it's going to show up in the short time, the flashing areas. And like I said, the body of the roof itself is just pretty much a double lock system and a hidden fastener, but where you have to really do your math and your cuts and your overlap and actually know which way the water is going to go as it comes down the roof. That's where you said Billy, but in my day it was always... We talked about the firefighters, they work three days firefighting and then they roof for two days. Those guys right there, that's where a professional will come to the job and skilled trade.

Brett: Right. Yeah. Well when you talk about something like that, it's very second nature to Pat, but like you say, to be able to look at that roof and know what the water is going to do, that comes with... It's like any other skilled trade where those years of experience, that person can look at and accurately know what they're doing as opposed to another guy who just doesn't have that experience. So yeah, when you're talking about who should you select as a contractor, they should be able to prove to you that, "Hey, this isn't our first goat roping." They have experience with metal roofs, they have veterans who can do that, and you feel confident, "Okay, these guys... I have trust in them. They've exhibited that they know exactly what to do."

Pat: Knowledge is half the battle. If you know which direction things are going to flow and what you need to do in those areas, then that's half the battle. The actual physical installation is not that tough.

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Are Copper Roofs More Expensive?

John: Back to talking about copper roofs, we mentioned that copper, obviously, as a material just costs more than, say, aluminum. Does the installation of a copper roof cost more as well, and why? What do you have to do to a copper roof that makes it different?

Pat: Well, let's say a copper panel itself is the same as an aluminum panel, but it is a little more labor-intense because of the soldering. You can skip that. If someone was really pinching pennies and wanted to bring the labor down on it a little bit, you can use some kind of a sealant on all those areas, but because of the expansion and contraction, those are going to all open up and cause problems down the road. So it is a little more labor-intense, which would bring the cost up even more.

Brett: When I think of copper roofs and stuff, one thing that I think of too... Certainly homes and definitely we do a lot of accent pieces that we offer on nice homes, but it speaks to the product, you think of stuff like houses of worship, churches and stuff, where they used, historically, a lot of copper. What's Salt Lake City? It seems like they're there forever.

Pat: Well, back then too, they would use a lot thicker gauge copper and also on the coast with the sea and the salt air and the sea air, the copper is a lot more durable with the weather conditions there, and just the salt that's in the air, it actually deteriorates a steel panel, an aluminum panel, a lot quicker. The copper is a lot more durable in those areas also.

Brett: So, those areas with high salinity and stuff, you're going to have a longer life span out of a copper panel than you would even have with an aluminum panel?

Pat: You certainly will. You see a lot of cedar shingles on the coast...

Does a Change in Color Mean Copper is Damaged?

John: That's funny because I think you'd maybe think the opposite because the copper does discolor and have that patina, you'd sort of think, "Well, that means that it's deteriorating", but it really isn't.

Pat: No, it isn't. That's actually just a surface in the color change, which is the natural color change. If you dug copper out of the ground in Egypt back in the day, it was bright copper and when it was melted down and then it patina'ed over, it's just like an oxidation type of a thing, the cause of the color change.

Brett: I believe I saw once upon a time, too, that oxidation actually acts to protect the copper as well, once it's in place. So I think I learned that little bit about plumbing that I picked up along the line and I remember learning from someone that oxidation could actually protect it from environmental faults.

John: So, it's not like rust where rust is eating away at the metal.

Brett: Exactly. Deteriorating infers value going down, patina on copper is protecting itself, if you would.

Pat: I can't say I've heard that, but I could agree with that. I could see that.

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Myths and Misconceptions of Metal Roofs

John: Finally, are there any sort of myths or maybe misconceptions about metal roofs, questions that you might get from customers that are looking into metal roofs or things that they say like, "Oh, aren't metal roofs this or that," that you have to sort of clear up those misconceptions.

Pat: It has a commercial look to it. It is not as commercial looking as it used to be, so it is a lot more homeowner-friendly. Other than that, I don't think I've ever heard anybody ask a dumb question about a metal roof or have a problem with it except for the look. Everybody kind of does understand when you're talking to somebody about the comparison of a shingle roof to a metal roof, people can understand that the metal will last three times as long as the shingle roof will. I just think it took people a long time to get used to the look of it, and the different vendors have come up with nice ways of changing that.

Brett: Yeah. I think the biggest piece of feedback that I've got is people are surprised about how many colors that it comes in. And certainly, Pat, you have better perspective than I do. Probably when it first came out in wide residential use, there's four to six colors that were readily available.

Pat: Yeah, plenty to choose from. Yeah.

Brett: And now, as we said, depending on the vendor that you're talking about, I don't know, let's call it 20, 25 different colors that are readily available. And I think that's one thing that people are saying, "Oh, I didn't know I could get it in terracotta." Sure, if that's what you like. I think people tend to think of some of those standard historic colors, which are great, again, that kind of hunter green as I call it, kind of cabin look, black, maybe a bronze or brown.

Pat: Bronze, yeah.

Brett: I think people tend to think that's the only colors that they come in. And really there's a whole variety of shades. And when you meet with us and you've expressed an interest in metal, we bring a sample book with us and you're seeing actual samples of the product in its actual color. You can hold it, see it, and then if you're like, "I think I can't decide between A and B," we can go get a larger sample for you. Obviously we're not dragging around sheets of metal with us all day long. But if you're down to two then, from the provider or distributor, we can get a larger sample.

John: And I imagine the color that you want to paint the side of your house, too, would matter.

Brett: Yeah.

John: You want that roof to kind of blend well or look nice with the color of the house.

Pat: Like we were saying, it's up there for a long time. It's up there for... two full shingle roofs anyways. Yeah, the style of the home, Brett mentioned like a log cabin. Certain colors go with different styles of homes, like a Victorian home or a big residential area would look really nice with a blue, or something like one of the blue shades. And then when you're up in the woods in a log cabin, now people are liking the greens and the reds and things like that. So the style of your home has a lot to do with a color that you would pick also.

Brett: Yeah, so that's just one of the things I've noticed is people are really shocked when they realize the variety that actually is available. I think most people think they're going to get a book of five colors to choose from.

Pat: Unless a customer knows that already, that might steer them away from a metal roof because they do think that they're only four colors to choose or, "I don't want to be stuck with bronze for 70 years." So, absolutely.

John: Definitely something for homeowners to consider then if they are looking to redo their roof and their roof needs to be redone.

Pat: Yeah, like I said, knowledge is the key. If you have a well-informed homeowner, then that opens doors for them, other choices.

Brett: And that ability also to mix metal with shingles. Again, I mentioned that style that kind of seems to be in Vogue these last few years where they have a shingle roof, but maybe a farmer's porch that's a standing seam metal. Or maybe, as Pat mentioned earlier, maybe some accent pieces, dormers and stuff that are done in copper. So certainly you can use that, if you will, mixed medium.

John: Sure.

Brett: You don't have to do all of it in copper or all of it in standing seam. You can say, "Hey, I want my main roof to be shingle and I want these accent roofs to be in a different medium." And that's all stuff that we can fabricate and take care of.

Pat: Well, usually on the lower levels, more eye-level stuff where people are going to be looking right at it, some homes are high and really flat pitched roofs that you don't even know what's up there for a shingle, so it doesn't matter. But when you're down low with your big bay windows and if you have a series of bay windows across the front of your house, they look fantastic with a couple of copper roofs on them.

Brett: It's a great way to have your home's value and its curb appeal with some of those accent roofs, as I'm calling them, and do something a little special with them. And that's also pretty cost-effective.

Pat: It is. It is.

Brett: So, if you're doing those dormers or something like that in, whatever, let's say copper, you're not buying 50,000 linear feet of copper here.

Pat: Yeah.

Brett: You're buying a little copper in it, but it really gives it that appeal depending on the type of home that you have.

Pat: People take pride of their homes. I take pride in mine. I want it to look good.

Get More Information About Master Roofers

John: All right, well that's really great information. Pat Shea, thanks again for joining us today.

Pat: John, you're welcome. Thank you for having me again.

John: And as always, Brett Rogenski, thanks for talking with me.

Brett: My pleasure. Thank you for having us.

John: And for more information, you can visit the website at or call 603-623-4973.

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